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Development & Production

The Development & Production segment covers the Group’s business activities in the rejuvenation of brownfields as well as small and marginal field development and production.

In 2013, PETRA Energy, via its collaboration with an associate became involved in the Small Field Risk Service Contract (SFRSC) for the development and production of petroleum from the Kapal, Banang and Meranti small fields (KBM Cluster) offshore Peninsular Malaysia.

Today, PETRA is the sole operator via the continuation of Banang Field production under a Technical Service Agreement with PETRONAS. PETRA will provide services to operate and maintain the Banang Field.

In 2021, PETRA was awarded Inaugural Petroleum Contract by Petroleum Sarawak (PETROS) relating to Exploration, Development and Production of Petroleum from onshore Block SK433, Miri, Sarawak. Block SK433 is in the Miri-Marudi area covering Northern Marudi and includes the Adong Kecil West discovery.

In line with the Group's commitment to maximise local content, the project will prioritise and encourage participation from local contractors in its procurement and subsequent project execution activities. The project will also ensure the development of the business ecosystem & local communities and environmental considerations as we progress towards developing the SK433 Block.